Dr. Tommy

Concierge Medicine Tampa Bay

“I am so tired. Do you know why I am so tired?”

“I am so tired. Do you know why I am so tired?”
This is a common question I get asked by patients as well as friends. Fatigue is normal during certain situations such as physical activity and during or after stressful periods. But sometimes we can’t seem to find a reason why we are so tired. There is no way to say why someone is tired without getting a full examination and having some tests run. Read More...

Meaningful Use?

How Measurement Fails Doctors and Teachers (http://nyti.ms/1NdiQIV) reveals to the general public what many doctors and teachers have believed all along. That is, government mandated measurements don’d add up to a hill of beans. In fact, just recently the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that the whole ‘Meaningful Use’ shenanigan has been a dismal failure and will soon be deep-sixed (http://news.doximity.com/entries/2574594).