11 25,2017
What lasts for seven days, is immune to antibiotics, and is the leading cause of morbidity in males this holiday season?
Read More...Tags: man cold, Dr. Tommy Show
11 12,2017
In Aurora, Idaho the local physicans group is putting it’s money where it’s mouth is.
Read More...Tags: patient satisfaction
10 08,2017
Welcome to the Medical Show! Where the prices are make-believe and costs are real!
Read More...Tags: insurance, Obamacare
08 14,2017
Professional cuddlers - help for a world gone mad.
Read More...Tags: parody, cuddling, new age, apocalypse signs
07 03,2017
I made this with an iPhone and iMovie. Then the boss lady made me start doing charts.
Read More...Tags: Bosswoman, Robert Plant, Alison Krauss